Funding programmes for consumers through the proceeds of fines imposed on competition infringers
During 2007 the Italian Competition Authority (ICA) found and punished six anticompetitive agreements. It also found one abuse of dominant position for which it imposed a € 2 million fine. One may wonder what happens to the fines paid by competition infringers. Under Italian law the fines imposed by the ICA shall be used to fund initiatives and programmes in favour of consumers. A recent judgment of the regional administrative court of Lazio gives an insight into how public authorities should organize and carry out these programmes. (TAR Lazio, chamber III ter,, 17 September 2008, case n. 8356, Codacons v Ministero Sviluppo Economico et al .). The region of Lazio funded a programme for consumers, the execution of which was entrusted to a private body, through a share of the proceeds of the competition fines imposed by the ICA that the state allocates to regional authorities. A consumer association, Codacons, contested this arrangements before the Tar Lazio, which however, found f...