The European Commission approves aid granted by the Italian region of Emilia Romagna to rail freight transport as aid for coordination of transport.
A recent application of the Community guidelines on State aid for railway undertakings by the European Commission can be find in the case N 483/2009- Italia Regione Emilia Romagna-Aiuti a favore del trasporto ferroviario merci . In this decision the Commission assessed aid granted in favour of rail freight transport by the Italian region of Emilia Romagna on the basis of chapter six of the Guidelines. Eventually the Commission hold that the aid was compatible with the internal market and authorized it. The decision is worth reading for it gives an insight into the relevant elements for the Commission in assessing aid to rail. Before doing that, a short summary of the aid in question will be given. The aid is aimed at rebalancing the freight transport sector by incentivizing rail transport and intermodal transport services, namely those supplied with complete or block trains. Any rail service further than those operated the year before applying for aid and with point of origin/desti...