The Italian Competition Authority targest an allegedly anti-competitive agreement for football TV rights
By the decision made on 13 May 2015 the Italian Competition Authority (ICA) has opened an article 101 TFEU investigation against two major TV operators, Sky and RTI, the Italian Football League (ILA) and its advisor for the marketing of TV rights, Infront, concerning the sale of TV rights for the Serie A League for the 2015-2018 period ( CaseI780, Diritti Televisivi Serie A ). The Legislative Decree no. 9/2008 has introduced the centralized system for the sale of football TV rights, which are jointly held by the ILA and the partecipating football clubs. In June 2014 the ILA organized a competitive tender procedures for the award, among other things, of the following contracts: i) contract A for the TV rights for the satellite platform; ii) contract B for the TV rights for the digital terrestrial platform and iii) contract D for the TV rights for all platforms for minor clubs' matches. On the basis of the criteria draft by the advisor Infront, the ILA had to award the contracts...