
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Italian Competition Authority to investigate bid-rigging practices in the emergency services sectors

The Italian Competition Authority (ICA) has taken quite a strict approach in competition enforcement in relation to public procurement contracts. This time, in the case I806 , Servizi Elisoccorso-Anti.incendio boschivi   ( ), the ICA targets an alleged bid-rigging practice affecting very sensitive markets. In May 2016, an aggrieved competitor filed a complaint with the ICA by which he reported that many operators were since long coordinated their responses to the competitive tender procedures organized for the award of contracts for the provision of helicopters emergency medical (HEMS) services and fire-fighting (ABI) services. Therefore, in March 2017 the ICA decided to open an Article 101 TFEU investigation against seven providers of HEMS and ABI services and against a trade association, AEI, regrouping several helicopter operators. The preliminary investigations conducted by the ICA focu...

The Italian Competition Authority opens an antitrust investigation into a bid-rigging practice in the market for facility management

Anti-competitive conducts performed in connection of public procurement contracts are more and more attracting the attention of the Italian Competition Authority (ICA). In the case I808, Gara Consip FM4-Facility management ( ),  the ICA opened an Article 101 TFEU investigation against 7 suppliers of facility management services. These were Consorzio Nazionale Servizi SocietĂ  cooperative (CNS), Dussmann Service Srl (DS), Engie Servizi Spa (ES), Manitalidea Spa (Manitalidea), Manuntecoop Facility Management Spa (MFM), Romeo Gestioni Spa (RG) and STI Spa (STI). In March 2014, Consip, the central purchasing body of the Italian public administration, called for a competitive tender procedure for the selection of the suppliers of facility management services for the immovable properties used by public entities, universities and research centres (the tender Consip FM4). The contract to be awarded ...

Competition and public procurement contracts: The Luxembourg Competition Authority closes with a commitment decision an antitrust investigation into a joint bidding practice in the transport market

The Luxembourg Competition Authority (LCA) has closed an antitrust investigation into a joint bidding arrangement with a commitment decision in the Transport Union LĂ«tzebuerg (Decision n. 2017-E-01 of 8 March 2017, available -in French- at ). The investigation targeted Sales-Lentz Group (SLG) and Voyage Emile Weber (VEW), which were alleged to have put in place joint bidding arrangement that affected a competitive tender procedure in the transport market. SLG and VEW submitted a set of structural and behavioural commitments that was accepted and made binding by the LCA. In May 2014, the Luxembourg Ministry for the Sustainable Development and Infrastructure (MDDI) launched a competitive tender procedure for the selection of suppliers of transport services for persons with special needs (CAPABS). The tendered-out contract was divided on 12 regional lots. ...