The Intel judgment and the extraterritorial application of EU competition
The Intel judgment and the extraterritorial application of EU competition Much has been already written about the CJEU’s rulings in its recent Intel judgment (Case C-413/14 P Intel v Commission II ) regarding the legal test for vetting whether exclusivity and loyalty rebate schemes breach competition. This post looks at Intel from a different viewpoint focusing, instead, on the extraterritorial application of EU competition law. More specifically, it considers the rulings made by the CJEU on the question whether the Commission has asserted, in accordance with public international law, its prescriptive jurisdiction on the agreement concluded by Intel with a non-EU computer manufacturer, the Chinese firm Lenovo. The legal background Over the years, the EU courts and the European Commission have developed and applied a number of legal tests to determine whether EU competition rules could apply to non-EU firms, whose conducts may harm competition in the internal market, with...