
Showing posts from August, 2009

The Italian Competition Authority opens an investigation into an alleged abuse of dominant position into the maritime transport market

An Italian ferry operator Grandi Navi Veloci (GNV) is alleged to have abused its dominant position in the market for regular maritime transport services of passengers and road vehicles operated with “roll on-roll off” or “Ro-Pax” ships between the ports of Genova, Genova Voltri and Vado Ligure, on one hand, and the Sicilian ports of Palermo and Termini Imerese, on the other hand. The Italian Competition Authority or ICA started investigations following a complaint detailing the GNV abusive conducts filed by T-Link, a ferry operator which recently started the Genova Voltri-Termini Imerese link in competition with the routes already operated by GNV ( A417, T-Link/Grandi Navi Veloci ). In particular, GNV would have carried out the following anticompetitive conducts: • it applied loyalty discounts selectively targeted at T-Link's clients; • it strategically increased offers for the transport of commercial road vehicles in a period of the year- summer 2009- when demand is falling with t...

The Competition Commission provisionally finds that a local merger bus will substantially lessen competition

The UK Competition Commission (CC) has provisionally found the Stagecoach acquisition of Eastbourne Buses and Cavendish Motor Services , referred to it by the OFT, as anticompetitive. In October and December 2008, Stagecoach acquired the entire share capital of two Eastbourne local bus operators, first of Eastbourne Buses and then of Cavendish Motor Services . T he se mergers drew the OFT attention since Stagecoach will be the sole supplier of local bus services in Eastbourne . T he OFT determined that Eastbourne constituted a substantial part of the UK under sec. 23(4) of the Enterprise Act 2002 and that the merger met the test 'it is or may be the case that the above acquisitions creates a relevant merger situation' and asserted jurisdiction on the Stagecoach acquisition of Eastbourne Buses and Cavendish Motor Services . To establish jurisdiction on the mergers, the OFT relied on the fact that Eastbourne have the same population as Slough the CC held to constituted ...