The Italian NTV/Fs/High speed trains case: which commitments for margin squeezes practices?
Under EU competition law margin squeeze is an autonomous competition infringement and it occurs when a vertically integrated firm dominant on the upstream market for an input sets its price at such level that competitors on the downstream market cannot compete with the latter. The dominant firm can apply a margin squeeze by setting a high price for the input, charging low prices on the downstream markets, or by combining of the two (Jones and Sufrin, EU Competition Law, 426). Under Article 9 of EU Regulation 1/2003 firms being investigated by the European Commission for anticompetitive conducts, including margin squeeze, can offer commitments to address the competition problems brought about by their conducts. If the Commission finds the commitments suitable, it makes them binding and closes the investigations without making a formal infringement decision. Similar powers are conferred by the Article 14-ter of the Italian Competition Act n. 297/1990 on the Italian Competition Authorit...