When competition law climbed Mont Blanc: The Refuge du Goûter case
The decision made on 30 July 2015 by the French Competition Authority (FCA) in R efuge du Go û ter (Gouter Hut) ( Decision n. 15-D-12 sur les pratiques mises en œ uvre par la Féderiaton française des clubs alpins et de montagne et le Compagnie de guides de Chamonix et de Saint Gervais dans le secteur des guide de haute montagne (accès au Mont Blanc par le refuge du Go û ter ) ) is worth reading due to the highly peculiarity of the facts of the case. The Gouter Hut was strategically located at an altitude of 3,385 metres on the less difficulty itinerary towards the peak of Mont Blanc, the so-called 'voie royale'. Excursionists have to spend a night on the hut on their ascent. The owner of the hut, Féderation française des clubs alpins et de montagne or French Aassociation of Alpine Clubs (FFCAM), used to reserve 71 places of the 120 available each night to professional alpine guides. In 2013 the French local authorities required the owner of the Gouter Hut to adopt a nu...