
Showing posts from June, 2016

The Italian Competition Authority opens an Article 102 TFEU investigation in the market for local public transport services

By a decision made on 15 June 2016, Case A496 Gara TPL Padova , the Italian Competition Authority (ICA) has opened an Article 102 TFEU investigation against Busitalia Veneto (BV), Busitalia Sita Nord (BSN) and APS Holding (APS). BSN and APS were the holders of the concessions for the urban public transport and non-urban public transport services in the territorial ambit of Padua, respectively. In April 2015 BV purchased BSN and APS, stepping in for BSN and APS as provider of those transport services. The ICA investigation was triggered by a complaint filed by the Province of Padua (PP), one of the local authorities in charge for the provision of those public transport services, which reported a number of allegedly abusive conducts implemented by BV, BSN and APS. The relevant product market was the market for the provision of local public transport services within the territorial ambit of Padua, in which PD enjoyed a dominant position. The first abusive conduct contested to BV was f...

The Italian Competition Authority conditionally clears an Article 102 TFEU investigation in the market for the supply of financial information

By a commitment decision made on the basis of the Article 14-ter of the Italian Competition Law no. 247/1990 in E-Class/Borsa Italiana, the Italian Competition Authority (ICA) has closed an investigation against Borsa Italiana (BIt) [1] . BIt was alleged to have abused its dominant position by negatively affecting the market for the services for the provision of financial information by making its competitors’ access to such essential inputs more difficulty. The decision of the ICA The ICA started the Article 102 TFEU investigation against BIt following the receipt of a complaint filed by e-Class. e-Class was an electronic publisher that also provided financial information services. BIt was a vertically integrated group that enjoyed a dominant position, or more precisely a monopoly position, in the market for the organization and management of the platforms for trading financial instruments and equities. Its subsidiary, Borsa Italiana Market Services (BIMS) operated in the down...

Competition law and the music II: the Luxembourg Centre de Musique Amplifiées case

By a decision handed down on 25 May 2016 the Luxembourg Competition Authority (LCA) has closed also the second investigation into abusive conducts in the markets for the organization of music concerts. The first investigation was opened against Philharmonie, which was then aquitted of any allegations (Case n. 2015-RP-02, Philharmonie, ) . The second decision was taken with regard to Centre de Musique Amplifiées (CMA), which was found to not have infringed competition (Case no. 2016-FO-02, Centre de Musique Amplifiées ). CMA was a public law entity created by the Law of 26 May 2004, which entrusted it with the tasks to organize amplified music concerts, manage its music halls and its other assets. The abusive conducts allegedly carried out by CMA included organizing loss-making concerts by reason of the public funding granted by the State, chargin...