Competition law and the music II: the Luxembourg Centre de Musique Amplifiées case
By a decision handed down on
25 May 2016 the Luxembourg Competition Authority (LCA) has closed also the
second investigation into abusive conducts in the markets for the organization of
music concerts. The first investigation was opened against Philharmonie, which
was then aquitted of any allegations (Case n. 2015-RP-02, Philharmonie, The second decision was
taken with regard to Centre de Musique Amplifiées (CMA), which was found to not
have infringed competition (Case no. 2016-FO-02, Centre de Musique Amplifiées).
CMA was a public law entity
created by the Law of 26 May 2004, which entrusted it with the tasks to
organize amplified music concerts, manage its music halls and its other assets.
The abusive conducts allegedly carried out by CMA included organizing
loss-making concerts by reason of the public funding granted by the State,
charging excessive prices on audiences and for the rent of its main hall,
discriminating its competing concert promoters as for access to the music halls
it managed.
As previously held in the Philharmonie case, also the CMA activities
were found to fall within the remit of competition law because of their economic
nature. Therefore, the LCA opened an antitrust investigation against CMA on the
basis of Article 5 of the Luxembourg Competition Act corresponding to Article
102 TFEU. Indeed, the LCA considered that CMA had a dominant position in the market
for the organization of music concerts. To establish whether it had abused its
dominant position by charging anti-competitive prices, it asked an accounting
expert for an opinion. On the basis of the estimation of all the revenues
generated and the expenses incurred by CMA in the organization of concerts, the
opinion showed that CMA made a small profit. That, in the LCA view, ruled out
that CMA charged excessive or predatory prices. It remained to be seen,
however, whether the public funds granted to it amounted to unlawful State aid.
Interestingly, in Centre de Musique Amplifiées the LCA relied
on the opinion of accounting expert on the costs and revenues of the dominant
undertaking to establish whether the pricing policies of the latter were abusive.
It may be worth noting that, though the LCA acquitted CMA from all allegations
of competition breaches, nevertheless LCA blamed CMA for its behaviour during
the procedure. With quite a harsh language, the LCA said that it would have
closed the investigation before if CMA had been more cooperative, also taking
into account the fact the allegation against CMA were unfounded. To avoid the occurrence
of competition concerns similar to those that triggered the Centre de Musique Amplifiées case, the
LCA invited CMA to implement a sufficiently detailed accounting separation of
revenues and costs associated to the organization of concerts and the renting
of music halls, respectively. Such a measure should dispel the risk that in
future CMA may abuse its dominance in the above markets.
Je m'appelle Mme Martine Pelosse , je vis au Québec et je suis une femme heureuse aujourd'hui. Ceci grace à un vrai preteur qui a sauvé ma famille et moi d'une situation financière très compliquée. Alors je recommande à toute personne recherchant un prêt vers lui , il m'a donné du bonheur à moi et ma famille, j'avais besoin d'un prêt de $ 300,000 pour les besoins de ma famille car je suis une veuve de quatre enfants . J'ai rencontré cet honnête prêteur qui m'a aidé avec un prêt de $300,000 , il est un homme craignant DIEU. Si vous avez besoin de prêt, s'il vous plait contactez-le, dites lui que Mme Pelosse qui vous a référé à lui. Contactez M. LAGACE par courriel :
Bien à vous.