The Italian Competition Authority to examine a resale price maintenance agreement
By a
decision made on 22 October 2013 Italian Competition Authority (ICA) has opened
an Artice 101 TFEU investigation into an alleged resale price maintenance agreement
(RPM) in the case I766 Inverter Solar edEolici – Imposizione Prezzi Minimi (Inverter). Power-One Italy (POI) is
part of a group trading worldwide in the markets for the production and commercialization
of photovoltaic and aeolian inverters.
A report lodged
with the ICA alleged that POI imposed a RPM on the dealers that belonged to its
distribution network. The allegation was based on two documents attached to the
First, the letter
of 17 October 2012 having as object “ Minimum selling price”. By this letter
the vice-president of POI reminded distributors, resellers and partners of the
fact that since January 2012 a minimum reselling price system was introduced in
all our price lists. The letter also
requested dealers to comply with the RPM obligation, stressing that POI would
terminate the contract with non compliant dealers.
Second, the
model distribution agreement of January 2012 used by POI to govern its Italian
distribution network included, among other things, the term that authorized
distributors would have to strictly comply with the prices reported in the
price lists of the manufacturer.
Inverter is one of the few RPM investigations launched by the ICA over the past
years. Another RPM investigation was recently opened in November 2012 in the Enervit case, while other RPM cases
dated back to 2008 (Vendita al dettaglio di prodotti cosmetici) and 1996
(Associazione LIbrai Italiani/Editori),
the documentary evidence already in possession of the ICA, it can be argued
that the above described arrangements are likely to be qualified as RPM. The ICA
follows the strict same approach as the European Commission in the competition
appraisal of RPM, being regarded as a hard-core restriction. In Inverter the ICA believed that the RPM
may impede distributors from competing on price on the downstream markets for the
sale of inverters. Moreover, the RPM at hand might facilitate the collusion
between manufacturers. According to the ICA the fact that most of the POI distributors
also marketed the products of POI competitors should increase the risk of collusion.