The Italian Competition Authority grants an interim junction to allow the carrying out of a competitive tender procedure in the public local transport services sector (Gara TPL Padova)
The Italian Competition Authority grants
an interim junction to allow the carrying out of a competitive tender procedure
in the public local transport services sector (Gara TPL Padova)
In the case Gara TPL Padova the
Italian Competition Authority (ICA), on the basis of Article 14-bis of the
Italian Competition Act no. 287/1990, took an interim measure ordering one of
the firms under scrutiny to provide a contracting authority with the necessary data
to be included in the tender notice that the addressee of the order had not
previously provided[1].
The Province of Padua (PP) was the contracting authority for the competitive
tender procedure to select the supplier of local public transport services in
the territorial ambit of Padua. Busitalia Sita Nord (BSN) and APS Holding (APS),
controlled by BusItalia Veneto (BV), were the holders of the concessions, respectively,
for the urban public transport and non-urban public transport services in the
territorial ambit of Padua. APS also held a 45% stake in BV. Though, the
contracting authority invited the incumbents to transmit the information and
data about the public services to be awarded, the PP complained with the ICA
that BV and APS did not hand in the information needed to draft the tender
Under Article 14-bis of the Italian Competition Act no. 287/1990, in urgent
cases where there is a risk of serious irreparable damage to competition (periculum in mora requirement), the ICA
may, where a cursory examination reveals the existence of a contravention (fumus bonis iuris requirement),
decide ex officio to adopt an interim measure. BV and its
shareholder APS enjoyed a dominant position in the relevant product market for
the provision of local public transport services within the territorial ambit
of Padua. Referring to the seminal CJEU judgment of Oscar Bronner, the ICA reminded that a dominant undertaking cannot,
without valid justification, refuse to give third parties access to facilities,
including data and information, that are essential to enter a market.
The ICA noted that BV, BSN and APS failed to transmit or lately
transmitted to the contracting authority the information the latter asked for
with the view to draft the tender notice. The ICA was of the opinion that such
conducts amounted to an abuse of dominant position, thereby meeting the fumus bonis iuris requirement in Article
14-bis. As BV and BSN supplied the contracting authority with all the required data,
the ICA was not empowered to adopt an interim measure against those firms. Instead,
it found that APS could have complied with the request of PP, but it did not. The
APS defensive arguments were contradicted by the evidentiary documents gathered
by the ICA showing that APS acted in that way with the only purpose to delay
the competitive tender procedure and, therefore, the APS conducts met the periculum in mora requirement. The APS
conduct might inflict a serious irreparable damage to competition in the
relevant market, delaying the launch of the competitive tender procedure as
reported by the PP. The delay resulted
in higher costs for PP and benefits for the incumbent in the shape of the
prorogation of the length of the previous public service contracts.
In conclusion, the ICA adopted an interim measure against APS, imposing
on it the obligation to the transmit the data and information requested by the
contracting authority within the deadline of 29th July 2016. Interestingly,
a recent survey conducted by the ICA revealed that competition in the markets
for local transport services was rather weak[2]
due to the fact that, amongst other things, over the past 20 years only a few
competition tender procedures have been launched to award a contract for the supply
of local public transport services. Interestingly, the interim measure adopted in
Gara TPL Padova dealt precisely with
that issue.
[1] Id., decision no. 26129 of 20 July
2016, Case A495 Gara TPL Padova,
Bullettin no. 28 del 27 June 2016,
[2] Italian
Competition Authority, decision of 1 June 2016, Case IC47’ , Condizioni concorrenziali nei mercati del trasporto pubblico